Student Solution


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1 Subject

Module 9 Research Questions

Module 9 Research Questions

Q 1.After completing the assigned reading and watching the lecture videos for this module, write one substantive paragraph (4-6 sentences) for each question below: 1. Explain the significance of the “eyes” motif in the book of Judges. 2. What is the significance of the stories about the Danites and Gibeah at the end of the book? What might be some modern applications of these stories in our contemporary church climate? 3. Answer one of the following two questions: o What is the interpretive significance of each of the various canonical placements of Ruth? o What is the history of Moab and how does it affect the interpretation of the book of Ruth? Submit your RQs as a Microsoft Word document.

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The ways in which Samson had led his life and had experienced different events can be considered to be the significance of the “eyes” motif. This is because there had been a woman, a prostitute, as well as a dead lion with his eyes leading to development of diversified perspectives about human life. There had been his eyes considered by him to be extremely special for him to utilize for different actions. There had been utilization of Samson by God to ensure that God’s will would be done by him.